This is not only an ad program, its a community of small business supporting there local community and other small business in the area.
becoming apart of the Videye team will help grow your local community and build the future face of advertising.
becoming a an Affiliate to Videye we can work on building local small business relationships and community support.
This is not like a regular affiliate program. we do not require any money down to start. Nore will we ever ask for your personal deposit of money to join an affiliate.
Affiliates will help push the idea of our program. In return will earn a commission on the percentage of ads sold.
You will only need to provide access to a flyer stand and a display we will provide. When you have the display running and the flayers out we can track their activity and payout accordingly.
We value small business and local communitys
Becoming a partner will help us build on top of our current program and help pay for development of new procedures and ways of helping community ads. Our partners get more than just a kickback from sales; they also help develop and build our systems and programs.
Without partners this would be a one man show and will fail. Brad would like to share this business and make it a national program.